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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Farmville guide

This is image for Easy harvest, plow and planting.

Hope this will help you..

Try to observe the image.

I have imprison the character using fences.
So that you can harvest, plow and plant continuously.

This way the delay had been shorten and no one will annoy you in clicking those plot. haha.

This will work safer that using some cheat engine.

Your account is safe this way.



That's all...

Farmville easy harvest,plow and planting

This is guide for all farmville gamers,

All you have to do is Imprison your character.
How to do it?

First Buy some fences,
Then, try to make a cage using those fences.
It's up to you on how you gonna do it.

You can also use some haybales.

Make sure that your character cannot escape.

In that way, You can harvest, plow and plant faster.

That way you can harvest, plow and plant continuous.

Try and tell how it works on your farm.

This guide is brought to you by rocreh web design and game guide.

Also see Cheats S30SCI Movie and this image